A little bit about me

I'm a South African artist and illustrator with a lifelong passion for creativity and a deep connection to nature. With its ever-changing beauty, nature has been my muse and a constant source of inspiration.


Although my journey initially led me into the world of marketing, my artistic spirit has always burned brightly within me. Even whilst not being able to dedicate myself fully to painting, I made sure to nurture my creative side by illustrating, drawing and attending art classes, in my spare time.


I am blessed to now have the opportunity to follow my passion and life-long dream of creating artwork for others to enjoy and appreciate.


I find that when I'm painting, I'm able to communicate and express myself in my own unique way - and in essence, it's a form of expression that offers endless opportunities for me to communicate my inner thoughts, feelings, and perspectives to you. It's a medium through which my creativity knows no bounds.